Access Getting access to the private part of projects 02 June, 2023 ArtOz 857 34 <p><strong>How the user gets access to the purchased on the site </strong><a href="/"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u></u></span></a><strong> projects?</strong></p> <p><strong>ATTANTION! According to the legislation of the Russian Federation and the documents with which the user of the site </strong><a href="/"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u></u></span></a><strong> agrees upon registration and purchase of projects/products (</strong><a href="/Customer/Home/Payment"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Payment</u></span></a>, <a href="/Customer/Home/Politics"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Politics</u></span></a>, <a href="/Customer/Home/Offer"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Offer</u></span></a><strong>), the buyer has no right to distribute (copy or transfer to third parties) private information (copyright files, keys, passwords, etc.) contained in the purchased (or received to it in another way) projects/products positioned on the site </strong><a href="/"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u></u></span></a><strong> .</strong></p><p> </p><p><strong>On the platform </strong><a href="/"><strong></strong></a><strong> only 2 types of projects are positioned:</strong></p><p><span style="background-color:hsl(60,75%,60%);"><strong>Paid</strong></span><strong> </strong>— these are author's projects, the closed part of which can be purchased by any authorized user of the site (except the author himself). Registered and anonymous users of the site can only see the limited-open information of the projects being sold. To see the project in full, you need to buy it through the site <a href="/Customer/Home/Cart"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Cart</u></span></a>.<br><span style="background-color:hsl(60,75%,60%);"><strong>Free</strong></span><strong> </strong>— these are author's projects to which any authorized user immediately gets full access. For anonymous (unregistered) users, access to the main part of free projects is closed.<br><br><strong>What is the closed (private) part of the project?</strong><br>This is the main part of the project, which carries all the important (complete) information (video, text, code, links to files and archives, keys, passwords, and so on). This part of the project is paid (visible to all registered users who have purchased this project).<br><br><strong>Attention! </strong>According to the <a href="/Customer/Home/Offer"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Offer</u></span></a>, on the the site's server <a href="/"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u></u></span></a> only the design representation of the author's Projects/Products (text, images, video, sound, search engine widgets, and the like) is stored. Third-party sources (resources) located inside the author's Projects/Products (any types of files) and owned by the author on the site's server <a href="/"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u></u></span></a> they are not stored in any form (the author only indicates links to them based on file sharing domains or other virtual storages). The author himself is obliged to monitor the relevance and operability of links to his external resources within his Projects/Products. Site Administration <a href="/"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u></u></span></a> and users of the site can point out to the author broken (non-working) links in his projects (if such links are not corrected within two weeks after their discovery, the site administration has the right to suspend the activity of the author's Product/Project).<br> </p><p><strong>What are anonymous users allowed to do?</strong></p><p>1. Get access to any public information page.</p><p>2. View the limited-access information of all projects.</p><p>3. Preliminarily collecting a <a href="/Customer/Home/Cart"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Basket</u></span></a> <a href="/Customer/Home/Cart"><strong><img src="/Images/CKEditor/Cart_Symbol.png" width="37" height="37"></strong></a>with projects for further purchase..</p><p>4. Register or log in to an existing account.</p><p>5. Send letters to the site administration with questions, comments and suggestions: <a href="/Customer/Home/Contacts"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Contacts</u></span></a>.<br><br><strong>What are registered users and project authors allowed to do?</strong></p><p>1. To like all projects, all public information pages and comments from other users.</p><p>2. To vote with asterisks for free or purchased projects (project authors do not have the right to vote with asterisks for their projects).</p><p>3. To collect <a href="/Customer/Home/Cart"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Cart</u></span></a> and use it to purchase author's projects.<br>4. To create your own author's projects in your personal account in the appropriate thematic sections (free or for sale), and then (after verification by the site administration, approval and publication) put them on the site <a href="/"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u></u></span></a>.</p><p>5. If desired, to fill in information about yourself (as the author of the projects). The data will be visible to guests, customers, users and potential employers.<br>6. To receive money for your sold author's projects and withdraw them to your account through your personal account, through the interface on the <a href="/Customer/Sale"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Sale</u></span></a> page.</p><p>7. To view and purchase projects on the site <a href="/"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u></u></span></a> (the purchased project always remains in the buyer's personal account, even if the author of the project removes it from publication). The buyer of the project automatically gets access to all future versions of the purchased project.</p><p>8. The authors of the projects have the right to participate in the site's <a href="/Customer/Home/Promo"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Promotions</u></span></a>, receive bonuses, favorable interest rates, and distinctive signs.</p><p>9. To receive receipts for all completed financial transactions on the site.</p><p>10. To receive protection of projects and personal data in accordance with the rules and laws specified in the <a href="/Customer/Home/Payment"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Payment</u></span></a>, <a href="/Customer/Home/Politics"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Politics</u></span></a> and <a href="/Customer/Home/Offer"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Offer</u></span></a>.</p><p> </p><p><strong>How to buy a project?</strong><br><strong>ATTANTION! </strong>To make a purchase, the user must go through the process of <a href="/Customer/User/Create"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Registration</u></span></a><strong> </strong>and/or <a href="/Identity/Account/Login"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Log in</u></span></a> to the site under their credentials.<br>1. Find the project in the section you are interested in (a certain theme, a certain direction).<br>2. Put the selected project in the <a href="/Customer/Home/Cart"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Cart</u></span></a>, by clicking on the <strong>Add to cart </strong>button, which is located next to the product.<br>3. When all the projects are typed, go to the <a href="/Customer/Home/Cart"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Cart</u></span></a>, by clicking on the silhouette of the <a href="/Customer/Home/Cart"><strong><img src="/Images/CKEditor/Cart_Symbol.png" width="37" height="37"></strong></a>at the top, in the header of the site.<br>4. The <a href="/Customer/Home/Cart"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Cart</u></span></a> will contain a list of purchased items. If the object (project/product) has already been purchased by you (or you are the author), then its price and amount will be displayed as <strong>0</strong>. The purchased project is always in completed <a href="/Customer/Inventory"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Purchases</u></span></a> orders in the <a href="/Customer/User/Account"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Profile</u></span></a> (access to such a project can be obtained from anywhere on the site). If the amount of the purchased project is <strong>1</strong>, and the price is <strong>greater than 0</strong>, then this project can be purchased once and in a single copy.</p><p>5. The number of purchased items and the total amount to be paid are shown in the upper-left corner of the <a href="/Customer/Home/Cart"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Cart</u></span></a>.<br>6. When the products are selected, they can be purchased by clicking the <strong>Pay</strong> button after checking the <strong>Accept</strong> box above the <a href="/Customer/Home/Payment"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Payment</u></span></a> and <a href="/Customer/Home/Offer"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Offer</u></span></a>.<br>7. After selecting the payment method in the <a href="/Customer/Home/Cart"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Cart</u></span></a>, follow the instructions of the <a href=""><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>PayKeeper</u></span></a> payment system and <a href=""><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>VTB</u></span></a> bank according to the information on the <a href="/Customer/Home/Payment"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Payment methods</u></span></a><strong> </strong>page.<br><br><strong>How and where does the buyer get access to the purchased project?</strong><br>1. After an authorized user has purchased a project/product/object, it appears on his <a href="/Customer/Inventory"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Purchases</u></span></a> page in his <a href="/Customer/User/Account"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u>Profile</u></span></a> in the form of an <strong>Order</strong> under a certain number and with all purchased goods inside.<br>2. The buyer can always view the private part of the purchased project/product/object from anywhere on the site <a href="/"><span style="color:hsl(240,75%,60%);"><u></u></span></a>, where the link to the page of this project/product/object is indicated.</p><p> </p><p><span style="background-color:hsl(60,75%,60%);">TUTORIAL VIDEO</span><br> </p><p><span style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255);color:rgb(13,13,13);"><strong>Purchase of a project/product.</strong></span><br><br>Dzen</p><p><iframe width="800" height="450" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; accelerometer; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen=""></iframe><br> </p><p>Youtube</p><p><iframe width="800" height="450" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> </p>