Applications and assets Direction for all types of ready-made (separate, completed) applications. 21 June, 2023 ArtOz 2462 111 <p><strong>This direction is designed to host (paid and free) applications and assets for any platform.</strong></p> <p>In the direction of <a href="/Customer/Home/Single/20?directionPage=True"><strong>«Applications and Assets»</strong></a> there is a list of theem that directly display the names of the extensions of the end files (which often point to their native development environments). Each extension caries thematic sections in which any user can place their author's (paid or free) project/product asset <strong>(except for a computer game)</strong>. To accommodate computer (digital) games, there is a separate direction <a href="/Customer/Home/Single/6?directionPage=True"><strong>«Games»</strong></a>.<br><br><strong>Attention!</strong> Every project/product may have its a large number of resources, but the target format of the launched file should be one <strong>(for example .exe, .apk, .unitypackage, .max, .obj, .psd)</strong>.<br> </p><p><strong>Attention! </strong>Lessons, lectures, podcasts are not placed in the sections of this direction. Final, finished products/projects (with executable files) and source assets (files) for widely distributed programs/packages are placed here. Formats such as <strong>.psd (or other formats of graphic editors)</strong> should carry layers and the original editable parts (effects, text, masks, and so on). If the author does not want to position such types of sources, then he can merge all the layers into one and put such a project/product for sale (in a lossless format, in the maximum size) in the <a href="/Customer/Home/Single/13?directionPage=True"><strong>«Art»</strong></a> direction.<br><br><strong>The rules for placing your author's project/product takes place in the user's personal account. For more information about the rules for placing your projects/products, see the </strong><a href="/Customer/Home/Info"><strong>«Info»</strong></a><strong> page.</strong><br> </p><p>If there is no necessary theem or appropriate section for your author's project, please contact the site administration.</p>